Step Onto Our Path to Infinite Abundance - Grow a Food Forest!
We can do this!!! We are the game changers!!
Elizabeth "TuTu" Sainz • September 9, 2020
Aloha Dear Friends!
We are changing the world in each moment of time.
Let’s all choose peace, love, joy, and laughter in each moment.
Our Mother Gaia provides us with infinite abundance at all times and teaches us, demonstrates to us, true love.
Here’s an awesome uplifting video for you now:
Gratitude to my angel friend Doron Kutash for sending me uplifting links to brighten each day via email subscription to his site The Source (including the above link).
Learning to grow food forests at Food Forest University. In this video, Tutu chats with Crystal Hilsley, who is a graduate of Food Forest University and an accomplished entrepreneur and passionate protector of children, nature, and our Mother Gaia.