Aloha Friend
Heal Earth!
Here’s what food food forests do:
Build rich soil
Sequester carbon
Gather, retain and store water
Provide healthy food
Create bio-diverse habitat for wildlife
Mitigate catastrophic climate change on Planet Earth
What an amazing life we are all living today
Miracles are happening everywhere
Each day seems to grow more beautiful than the last day
I am thankful to be here on the planet
Today, I saw Geoff Lawton and his team “Greening the Desert” on YouTube.
If you haven’t checked him out yet, please do! A food forest in the desert is worth seeing!
Geoff embodies his work and because of his passion, he opens the eyes and hearts of people everywhere he goes.
Here are two more of my favorite YouTube Channels that I am very thankful for – and I want to give them a shout out!
- Dan from
- The Gardening Channel with James Prigioni
These two channels have been supremely inspiring and delightful to me and I feel sure will delight you too.
Your garden is unique. Every garden is unique!
Just like no two snowflakes are alike, and no two people are alike.
Every garden has a unique space on the planet with a longitude and latitude that no other place has! I’m thankful that each of us has a unique piece of Earth to care for!
It’s fun to check out different peoples gardens wherever they are on earth. You get to see what we have in common and what we both can do the same way, and then contemplate what we do a little bit differently where we are, because of our climate and situation.
I hope you are growing something you love in a patch of soil today!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Sending you Peace and Aloha!
World Peace and Infinite Abundance are Within Sight
Thankful for Us! Tutu