Our Earthly Mother is the giver of life.
Know that your Mother is in you, and you are in her.
She gave you birth and she gives you life.
She gave you your body, and to her, it will return one day, when you give it back again.
Know that the blood which runs in you is born of the blood of our Earthly Mother.
Her blood falls from the clouds, leaps up from the depths of the earth, babbles in the brooks of the mountains, flows wide in the rivers of the plains, sleeps in the lakes, and rages mightily in the tempestuous seas.
Know that the air which you breathe is born of the breath of our Earthly Mother.
Her breath is azure in the heights of the heavens, sighs in the tops of the mountains, whispers in the leaves of the forest, billows over the cornfields, slumbers in the deep valleys, and burns hot in the desert.
Know that the hardness of your bones is born of the bones of our Earthly Mother, of the rocks and of the stones.
Know that the tenderness of your flesh is born of the flesh of our Earthly Mother, whose flesh turns yellow, orange, red, purple, blue, and green in the fruits of the trees.
The light of your eyes and the hearing of your ears are born of the colors and the sounds of our Earthly Mother, who surrounds you, as the waves of the sea, enclose a fish, and as the eddying air a bird.
You are one with the Earthly Mother;
She is in you, and you are in her.
Of her were you born,
In her do you live,
And to her, you will return again.
Keep, therefore, her laws,
For none can live long,
Neither be happy,
But he who honors his Earthly Mother
And keeps her laws.
For thy breath is her breath,
Thy blood her blood,
Thy bone her bone,
Thy flesh her flesh,
Thy eyes and thy ears
Are her eyes and her ears.
He who hath found peace
With his Earthly Mother
Shall never know death.
Know this peace with thy mind,
Desire this peace with thy heart.