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Step Onto Our Path to Infinite Abundance - Grow a Food Forest!

Let Your Yard Grow Naturally!

Step into nature’s infinite abundance!

Freely grow living foods, remedies, and craft supplies.

Create homes for living biota and purify our environment. 

Welcome to Food Forestry!

What is a Food Forest?

Food Forests are small or large home gardens designed to imitate wild forests!

Food Forests grow delicious, nutritious and valuable fruits, nuts, seeds, berries, vines, flowers, herbs and mushrooms.

They regenerate land and support all life on Earth!

They clean the air and water!

They self-fertilize and and continuously grow!

A food forest teaches humans how to thrive in harmony with the force of life and creation!

Become a co-creator with nature in your backyard, as you learn to grow wild gardens. 

Here are 4 reasons to grow a food forest

It’s good for the environment.

They require no plowing, tilling, or chemicals to maintain, and create a healthy home for creatures great and small to enjoy.  Food Forests are perfect examples of how nature grows all by itself, without help from humans.

You can grow nutritious food year-round.

Grow your favorite fruits, nuts, vegetables, and seeds to eat fresh, use in your cooking recipes, DIY cleaning solutions, first-aid treatments, beauty product alternatives, and more. 

It’s good for your health

You’ll get good exercise working and walking through the garden.  As you embrace nature’s beauty, it’s also a great place to be still, observe nature, and rejuvenate your mental state. 

You can earn extra income.

Your food forest will grow an abundance of delicious food and seeds, often more than you need to feed yourself and your family.  When you have extras you can sell them to a thankful community or host events in your garden.

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Our Path to Infinite Abundance

An introduction to food forests.  Learn how the many different life-forms on Mother Earth continually grow and expand in mathematically perfect patterns as they work in community to provide everything we need. 

The 8 Step Path to Creating a Food Forest

This book about food forestry teaches you how to work in syntropy with the abundance of life instead of fighting with it. So are you ready to walk step by step through the process of creating a food forest? Let’s get started.

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Aloha Food Forest Blog

By Tutu Sainz 31 Aug, 2024
Get help designing and installing your San Diego area home garden.
By Tutu Sainz 21 Jun, 2024
Recommendations for what to do in your food forest during summer!
18 Apr, 2024
We can do better than that!
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